What is the eligibility criteria for AIC MT Recruitment 2025?
Candidates must have a Graduation/Post Graduation degree in relevant fields with minimum qualifying marks (60% for UR/OBC/EWS, 55% for SC/ST/PwBD). Age limit is between 21 to 30 years (relaxation applicable).
Can I apply offline for AIC MT Recruitment 2025?
No, applications are accepted only through the online mode.
What is the selection process for AIC MT Recruitment 2025?
The selection process includes an online examination (CBT) followed by an interview.
Is there negative marking in the online exam?
Yes, there will be negative marking for incorrect answers in the objective-type questions.
Where can I find the official notification?
The official notification is available on the AIC website: www.aicofindia.com .
What is the pay scale for selected candidates?What is the pay scale for selected candidates?
Selected candidates will receive a monthly salary of ₹60,000/-.