Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL) Assistant Recruitment 2025

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  1. What is the last date to apply for SCL Assistant Recruitment 2025?

    The last date to apply online is 26 February 2025 (11:59 PM).

  2. What is the age limit for SCL Assistant Recruitment?

    The minimum age is 18 years, and the maximum age is 25 years, with relaxations as per government norms.

  3. What is the selection process for the SCL Assistant post?

    Candidates will be selected based on a written test.

  4. What is the exam pattern for the written test?

    The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions covering Quantitative Aptitude, Computer Knowledge, General Intelligence, English, and General Knowledge.

  5. How can I apply for the SCL Assistant recruitment?

    You can apply online through the official website by following the step-by-step process mentioned above.

  6. What documents are required for the application?

    Candidates need to upload a passport-size photo, signature, educational certificates, ID proof, and category/disability certificate if applicable.

  7. What is the salary for the SCL Assistant post?

    The salary is in the pay scale of Rs. 25,500 – Rs. 81,100/- (Level-4 of 7th CPC).

SCL Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2025

Exam Pattern:

  • Mode: Offline (OMR-based)
  • Total Questions: 100 MCQs
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Duration: 2 Hours (2 hours 40 minutes for PwBD candidates)
  • Negative Marking: 1/4 mark deduction for each wrong answer

Exam Sections:

  • Part A:
    • Quantitative Aptitude (20 questions, 40 marks)
    • Knowledge of Computers (20 questions, 40 marks)
  • Part B:
    • General Intelligence & Reasoning (20 questions, 60 marks)
    • English Comprehension (20 questions, 60 marks)
    • General Knowledge & Current Affairs (20 questions, 60 marks)

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